Are you thinking of starting a blog as part of your personal rebrand?

Antonio Arch
2 min readMay 25, 2022

Or maybe you’re getting ready to launch a new product, brand, or business and the PR and marketing budget is nearly non-existent. You need a cost-effective way to get found, be noticed, and generate revenue fast.

Perhaps you already have a blog, maybe even two. Remember your small business website? It has a built-in blog. The web designers insisted that you need one, promised it would prove invaluable, and might have described it as “a vital business building tool” or some other term that went over your head. At the time you didn’t quite grasp that blogs require upkeep, attention, and well written content to be of any use. So now it just sits there, in need of attention and hasn’t been updated in months, or maybe years. Then there’s that blog that you started during lockdown to keep you sane or promote that new side hustle that just didn’t take off. It too has not been updated and is gathering dust.

We all agree that a blog is hard work. It needs attention, content, feedback, and a monthly update (at the very least). But it can also be an endless resource, able at once to satisfy most of your marketing, PR, SEO, and branding needs. Your blog is in fact one of the easiest and fastest ways of getting found, being noticed, and yes, inserting you in Google search results. Whether new or established, your cause, endeavour or organisation can benefit from a blog; a biweekly blog post in the weeks leading up to a launch or opening can make the difference between attention and obscurity

I create original content, edit copy, and address tone of voice based on methodical qualitative research. And that’s not all!

Looking for ideas for your blog, content, or written communication? Visit my Recommended Reading List of more than a hundred suggestions.



Antonio Arch

“When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing” ― Enrique Jardiel Poncela